[CHANGE] LvL Penalty System
DeepDungeon1 770lvl
DeepDungeon2-3-4 780lvl
DeepDungeon 5 790lvl
SwampOfDarkness 850lvl
Kubera 900lvl
AbyssAtlans1 925lvl (elitespot 1050lvl)
AbyssAtlans2 950lvl (elitespot 1050lvl)
AbyssAtlans3 1000lvl (elitespot 1050lvl)
ScorchedCanyon 1050lvl (elitespot 1100lvl)
RedSmoreIcarus 1100lvl (elitespot 1150lvl)
ArenilTemple 1150lvl (elitespot 1200lvl)
GrayAida 1200lvl (elitespot 1250lvl)
BlazeKethotum 1250lvl (elitespot 1300lvl)
KanturuUnderground 1300lvl (elitespot 1350lvl)
IgnisVolcano 1350lvl (elitespot 1400lvl)
BloodyTarkan 1400lvl (elitespot 1450lvl)
TormentaIsland 1450lvl (elitespot 1500lvl)
TwistedKarutan 1500lvl (elitespot 1550lvl)
KardamahalUnderground 1550lvl
[CHANGE] Every map higher Abyss Atlans DMG increased by 10%
[CHANGE] Every map higher Abyss Atlans PoisonResist increased by 100
[CHANGE] PvP-Heaven Undine changes:
Poison Resist increased by 150
HP increased by 50%
DMG increased by 50%
Old drop:
100x Jewel of Bless
25x Meta Emblem III
Manticore Anvil (Rare)
Necklace (Rare)
Ring (Rare)
New drop: This is pull of items with config of 20x drop. It means, that quantity of every type of reward is random. We mentioned maximum amount in the pull for every type of drop
50x Jewel of Bless
10x Meta Emblem (I-II-III)
50x Elemental Rune
Manticore Anvil (Rare) (Rate increased)
Necklace (Rare)
Ring (Rare)
[CHANGE] PvP-Heaven Hellraiser changes:
Poison Resist increased by 150
HP increased by 50%
DMG increased by 50%
Old drop:
100x Jewel of Soul
25x Meta Emblem III
Manticore Soul (Rare)
Necklace (Rare)
Ring (Rare)
New drop: This is pull of items with config of 20x drop. It means, that quantity of every type of reward is random. We mentioned maximum amount in the pull for every type of drop
50x Jewel of Soul
10x Meta Emblem (I-II-III)
50x Elemental Rune
Manticore Soul (Rare) (Rate increased)
Necklace (Rare)
Ring (Rare)
[CHANGE] ArkaWar
Damage Reduction SelfTeam increased from 50% to 70% (due new balance, we shall add decrease step by step)
Damage Reduction OppositeTeam increased from 25% to 40% (due new balance, we shall add decrease step by step)
[CHANGE] CastleSiege
Damage Reduction SelfTeam increased from 50% to 70% (due new balance, we shall add decrease step by step)
Damage Reduction OppositeTeam increased from 25% to 40% (due new balance, we shall add decrease step by step)
[CHANGE] Moss changes:
Renamed categories
Added weapons for Alchemist
Added Archangel weapon for Alchemist
Added Archangel weapon for GrowLancer
[CHANGE] Nix drop
Rate for Seed lvl 5 decreased
[CHANGE] Illusion Temple drop
Rate for Seed lvl 5 decreased
[CHANGE] DeepDungeonGorgon HP Increased
[CHANGE] BossBattleTogether:
"Nix" boss - allowed to attack with regular hits
HP changed to 75.000.000
DMG MAX increased
Poison resist increased
[CHANGE] Changed "Reflection Barrier Skills" which is responsible for Duration of Kundun buff.
New formula "Point/1" for duration
Before: Default(60sec) + ML(70sec)
New: Default(60sec) + ML(20sec)
[CHANGE] Changed GrowLancer Buff "Circle Shield":
Duration: 30sec
Rate: 40%(Default)+20%(ML) = 60%
Duration: 40sec
Rate: 20%(Default)+20%(ML) = 40%
[CHANGE] Changed "ConfusionStone" skill of Alchemist (Update took effect 27.01.2025)
MonsterRegenTime increased from 8s to 10s
Duration of skill increased from 60s to 300s
[CHANGE] Drop system on every boss/invasion changed from "Last Hit" to "Most Damage"
[CHANGE] Ferea boss:
Before: 23h-24h (random spawn)
New: 20h-24h (random spawn)
[CHANGE] Nix boss:
Before: 23h-24h (random spawn)
New: 18h-24h (random spawn)
[CHANGE] Selupan boss:
Before: 23h-24h (random spawn)
New: 20h-24h (random spawn)
[CHANGE] Darkness boss:
Before: 23h-24h (random spawn)
New: 18h-24h (random spawn)
[NEW] Added Random Boss spawn:
Deep Dungeon Gorgon
Core Magriffy
Lord Silvester
Condition: Every server, everyday, fully random (can be 0 times per day, can be several times per day). Despawn time 20min (if will not be killed), Spawn has announce
[ADD] Added "Sign of Lord" to every map to drop
[ADD] Added "Devilwood Quiver" to drop on Raklion
[FIX] Fixed bug with ChaosGoblin craft
[WEBSITE] Feature "Hidden"
Fixed bug with "Hidden" status on the website
Added feature "Hide location" as part of status "Hidden"
Added visual status "Hidden" to hidden accounts
[WEBSITE] Fixed bug for visual items for specific classes on the website
[PVP-CHANGE] Changes for Complex Potion:
Changed ms
Decreased recovery rate from 13 to 8
[PVP-CHANGE] Stuck rate upon receiving dmg in pvp changed to 6%
[PVP-CHANGE] Balance PVP changes:
SM dmg increased by 3%
SL dmg increased by 1%
GL def decreased by 2%
DL dmg decreased by 2%