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Patch Notes

Patch 0.00.21

[CHANGE] Throne Conquest moved to Sunday 19:10 (GMT+3) (Will start 16.03.2025)
[CHANGE] Register period for Throne Conquest increased from 30min to 100min (Will start 16.03.2025)
[CHANGE] Arka War moved to Saturday 18:30 (GMT+3) (Will start 15.03.2025)
[CHANGE] Zen increased by 50% (VIP is still higher by 20% than regular server) 
[CHANGE] Zen multiply(several drop of zen from 1 monster) increased up to 1%
[CHANGE] Jewel of Chaos drop rate decreased by 30%
[CHANGE] Jewel of Bless/Soul/Creation/Life drop rate increased by 10%
[CHANGE] Guardian Enhanced Stone drop rate increased by 20% from Elite Spot Grey Aida
[CHANGE] Lapidary Stone drop rate increased by 20% from Elite Spot Kanturu Undeground
[CHANGE] Loch's Feather drop rate increased 2x from Icarus
[CHANGE] Condor Flame drop rate increased 4x from Crywolf
[CHANGE] Garuda Flame drop rate increased 7x from AbyssAtlans, ScorchedCanyon, ArenilTemple, GrayAida
[CHANGE] Artifact max value(grade10) craft rate increased 10x
[CHANGE] Artifact types 1-6 craft rates changed to equal(to make full random)
[CHANGE] Artifact type 7 craft rate increased 12x (still rare)
[CHANGE] Ferea boss:
- Before: 20h-24h (random spawn)
- New: 6h-24h (random spawn) 
[CHANGE] Nix boss:
- Before: 18h-24h (random spawn)
- New: 6h-24h (random spawn) 
[CHANGE] Selupan boss:
- Before: 20h-24h (random spawn)
- New: 6h-24h (random spawn) 
[CHANGE] Darkness boss:
- Before: 18h-24h (random spawn)
- New: 6h-24h (random spawn) 
[CHANGE] Changed prices in RuudShop:
1) Set:
- BloodAngel Seals = 50k -> 30k
- BloodAngel -> DarkAngel = 50k -> 30k
- DarkAngel -> HolyAngel = 75k -> 45k
- HolyAngel -> Awakening = 75k -> 60k
- Awakening -> BlueEye = 100k -> 75k
2) Weapon:
- BloodAngel Weapon  = 100k -> 75k
- BloodAngel -> DarkAngel = 100k-> 75k
- DarkAngel -> HolyAngel = 125k -> 90k
- HolyAngel -> Awakening = 125k -> 110k
- Awakening -> BlueEye = 150k -> 125k
3) Earrings:
- Ancestral = 40k -> 25k
- Glory of Honor = 100k -> 50k
- Blood Crafting Frame = 350k -> 150k
- Daze Crafting Frame = 450k -> 250k
4) Mount: 
- Ice Dragon Seal = 300k -> 125k
- Pierce Lion Seal = 500k -> 250k
- Tail Seal = 700k -> 500k
5) Pentagram:
- Pentagram Emblem = 650k -> 450k
- Errtel Emblem = 250k -> 200k
6) Others:
- Monster Soul Converter removed

[ADD] "Kubera Mine" Map now has specific drop - Gemstone 
[ADD] "Red Smoke Icarus" Map now has specific drop from regular spots - Guardian Enhanced Stone
[ADD] "Arenil Temple" Map now has specific drop from regular spots - Lapidary Stone
[ADD] Starter Inventory: added W2 (Bound)+11 when create character
[ADD] New Saturday invasion-event:
Name: "All or Nothing"
Map: Aida
Time: 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:45, 13:45, 16:45, 19:45, 22:45
Quantity of monsters: 15
Drop: RUUD 1-5000 (random)
[ADD] New Sunday invasion-event:
Name: "Pizza Day"
Map: Aida
Time: 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:45, 13:45, 16:45, 19:45, 22:45
Quantity of monsters: 15
Drop: Pizza 1-3 (random)

[BALANCE] [OpenWorld/CS/Arka] Alchemist DMG decreased by 4%
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld/CS/Arka] Alchemist Elemental Defence decreased by 3% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld/CS/Arka] GrowLancer DMG increased by 3% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld/CS/Arka] MagicGladiator DMG increased by 4% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld] Kundun DMG increased by 3% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld] DarkWizard DMG increased by 1% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld] Elf DMG increased by 2% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld] BK DMG increased by 1%

Posted 07-03-2025

Patch 0.00.20

[FIX] Fixed bug with reduction on Arka (update took effect on arka 27.02)
[FIX] Fixed bug with reduction on Castle Siege
[FIX] Fixed bug with pass ticket from donate 
[FIX] Fixed bug with enter to BC/DS

[CHANGE] Increased hit interval in offlevel by 2 times

GM Note: AttackSpeed-Offlevel was increased to bring more "actual" attack speed according to online play.
Visually you can see that players dont attack, but they attack, just without animation.
Pick up works better currently on items which mentioned in "Extra Items" in auto-helper (even Zen).

We shall work on it after to bring better auto-helper work

[CHANGE] Increased offlevel duration from 24h to 30h (VIP from 30h to 48h) 
[CHANGE] Changed drop from Maya Hand: from ETCA/ETOL to 1x random jewel
[CHANGE] Changed drop from Maya: ETCA increased from 5x to 6x

[BALANCE] [Arka/CS] Element DMG decreased by 10%
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld] Alchemist DMG decreased by 3%
[BALANCE] [Arka/CS] Alchemist DMG decreased by 4% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld/Arka/CS] Elf DMG increased by 2% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld/Arka/CS] IllusionKnight DMG increased by 2%
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld/Arka/CS] RuneWizard DMG increased by 4%
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld/Arka/CS] GunCrusher DMG increased by 4% 
[BALANCE] [OpenWorld] DarkLord DMG increased by 2%
[BALANCE] [Arka/CS] DarkLord DMG decreased by 3% 
[BALANCE] [Arka/CS] GrowLancer DMG increased by 2% 
[BALANCE] Knock-out rate increased from 7% to 8% (update took effect on arka 27.02) 
[BALANCE] Complex Potion delay time decreased by 20% (update took effect on arka 27.02) 
[BALANCE] Complex Potion SD recovery rate increased by 25% (update took effect on arka 27.02)

GM Note: We had and we shall have a lot of work on balance to bring more interesting play. Often changes, sometimes quick pvp - all of these things appear due difference in gear - everybody upgrades everyday currently
Our last huge rebalance (with patch S20 - Alchemist) - had pretty good condition for pvp, but in real situation on server, where there are a lot of difference in gear - we had to decrease pvp duration to let most players participate in pvp
Currently we shall increase duration of pvp to bring more interesting pvp - last update to Arka shows that currently it is possible to have more long pvp and still have possibility to kill players
This kind of patches, where pvp duration will be increased, will be added step by step to keep healthy pvp

Posted 28-02-2025

Patch 0.00.19

[ADD] Added new GM-Box for GM-Events
[ADD] Opened servers 19 and 20 - same as server10 - for guild referral

[CHANGE] Offlevel possibility disabled on None-PVP servers (2regular, 5vip) on maps: Lorencia, Dungeon, Devias, Noria, Elbeland, LostTower, Atlans, Tarkan, Acheron
[CHANGE] Offlevel movement enabled
[CHANGE] Attack of Summon Invasion changes:
- Added Goblin Points reward for Golden Goblin 3GP
- Increased rate for Golden Erohim from Golden Tantalose
- Increased rate for Golden HellMaine from Golden Erohim 
- Increased rate for Golden Kundun from Golden HellMaine
[CHANGE] Silver Box price GP-Shop decreased to 400
[CHANGE] Golden Box price GP-Shop decresed to 600
[CHANGE] Max IP connections Offlevel increased from 10 to 15 (we shall check how well this system will be, if bad = we shall decrease back(make feedback regarding it) )
[CHANGE] Castle Siege/Arka War changes:
- Damage Reduction SelfTeam increased from 70% to 95% (next maintenance will get decrease)
- Damage Reduction OppositeTeam increased from 40% to 60%

[DASHBOARD] Decreased requirement for lvl for some Journey rewards to free space for new upcoming rewards
[DASHBOARD] Changed name for rewards from "Meta Reward" to "Muun Reward"
[DASHBOARD] Fixed bug with journey system claim (in certain scenario there was possibility to claim before required lvl)
[DASHBOARD] Added auto-open Dashboard with client start

[SEASON PASS] GoldPass changes:
- Price changed from 2200wc to 3500wc
- Silver Key removed
- 3x TCA added
- 50x GES added
- 50x Lapidary Stone added 
[SEASON PASS] PremiumPass changes:
- Price changed from 49usd to 35usd
- Silver Key removed
- 100x GES added
- 100x Lapidary Stone added

[BALANCE] Open World/CastleSiege/ArkaWar changes:
- SM -1% DMG
- ALC -4% DMG
- KUND +1% DEF
- DL +1% DEF
- Stuck Rate increased from 6% to 7% for every class

Posted 20-02-2025

Patch 0.00.18

[NEW] New Server: Regular 2 None-PVP (Limited lvl up to 1000) 

[NEW] Added new map for pvp "PVP Temple"

[CHANGE] Max IP connections Online increased from 10 to 15 (offline still 10) (we shall check how well this system will be, if bad = we shall decrease back(make feedback regarding it) )

[CHANGE] Increased rate for "Sphere" in Raklion by 4 times

[CHANGE] Increased quantity of max players per room in Devil Square from 15 to 25

[CHANGE] Meta Box rewards changed:
- Uriel Feather quantity decreased from 5-10 to 3-6
- Ability Crystal quantity changed from 10-20 to 5-25
- Mysterious Stone x3 removed
- Mysterious Stone x2 rate increased
- Golden Sentence x10 removed
- Golden Sentence x5 rate increased
- Condor Feather rate increased

[CHANGE] Meta Box (Minor) rewards changed:
- Jewels x15 rate decreased
- Jewels x30 rate increased

[CHANGE] Senior Mix changes:
- Added Garuda Feather

[CHANGE] Illusion Temple rewards changed:
- Uriel Feather quantity decreased from 2-6 to 1-3
- Seed lvl 4 rate decreased
- Seed lvl 3 rate increased 

[CHANGE] Increased duration of throne register during Throne Conquest event which is required for victory from 5min to 10min

[FIX] Fixed bug with reward for Throne Conquest

[FIX] Fixed bug with drop "Errtel of Radiance" on Elite Spot in Abyss Atlans

Posted 13-02-2025

Patch 0.00.17

[NEW] Lite-Client added to Downloads(Website) - decreased skills,items effects, hidden mounts(mecha, leviathans, fenrirs, etc)

[NEW] New launcher with launcher update

[CHANGE] Changed EXP-Rates:
1-799lvl +100%
800-999lvl +150%
1000-1099lvl +100%
1100-1199lvl +50%
1200-1299lvl +25%

[CHANGE] Reworked system of drop for items "Scroll of Archangel", "Blood Bone", "Devil's Eye", "Devil's Key"
Now it will drop on every map. LVL of Item will depend on character's lvl.
For example, if player has 1050lvl, which you need for BC 5 = you will have in drop items lvl 5 on every map. Now system works on character's lvl, not on monster's lvl

[CHANGE] Changed rates for special drop from Elite Spots:
Kanturu Underground - Lapidary Stone - Rate increased +50%
Arenil Temple - Guardian Enhanced Stone - Rate increased +150%
Grey Aida - Guardian Enhanced Stone - Rate increased +150%
Red Smoke Icarus - Guardian Elite Opt Change pcs - Rate increased +150%
Red Smoke Icarus - Elite Guardian Enhanced - Rate increased +50%
Ignis Volcano - Gemstone - Rate increased +200%
Burning Kethotum - Spider Artifact Fragment - Rate increased +100%
Abyss Atlans - Elemental Rune - Rate increased +200%
Abyss Atlans - Errtel of Radiance - Rate increased +100%

[CHANGE] Elite Spots changes:
HP of every Elite Spot increased by 20%
EXP of every Elite Spot increased by 15%

[CHANGE] Increased rate for Card Piece by 20%

[ADD] Lightning Shock Parchment added to skill merchant

[ADD] Added Warehouse NPC to Aida (89 13)

[FIX] Fixed bug which didnt allow Trade/Ware/PersonalStore for BossBattleTicket

[FIX] Fixed bug which didnt allow Trade/Ware/PersonalStore for VarkaTicket

[FIX] Fixed bug with Muun Egg

[Website] Fixed bug with pvp-rankings on the website

[Balance] Open World changes:
BK PVP Combo DMG decreased by 3%
BK PVP DMG increased by 2%

DL PVP DMG decreased by 10% (Update took effect 03.02.2025)
DL PVP DEF increased by 2%

Alchemist PVP DMG decreased by 2%

[Balance] Arka/CastleSiege changes:
Every class got -10% ELEM DMG

BK PVP Combo DMG decreased by 3%
BK PVP DMG increased by 2%

DL PVP DMG decreased by 10% (Update took effect 03.02.2025)
DL PVP DEF increased by 2%

Alchemist PVP DMG decreased by 3%

SM PVP DEF increased by 1%

Kundun PVP DEF increased by 1%

GL PVP DEF decreased by 2%

Posted 07-02-2025

Patch 0.00.16

[CHANGE] LvL Penalty System
DeepDungeon1 770lvl
DeepDungeon2-3-4 780lvl
DeepDungeon 5 790lvl
SwampOfDarkness 850lvl
Kubera 900lvl
AbyssAtlans1 925lvl (elitespot 1050lvl)
AbyssAtlans2 950lvl (elitespot 1050lvl)
AbyssAtlans3 1000lvl (elitespot 1050lvl)
ScorchedCanyon 1050lvl (elitespot 1100lvl)
RedSmoreIcarus 1100lvl (elitespot 1150lvl)
ArenilTemple 1150lvl (elitespot 1200lvl)
GrayAida 1200lvl (elitespot 1250lvl)
BlazeKethotum 1250lvl (elitespot 1300lvl)
KanturuUnderground 1300lvl (elitespot 1350lvl)
IgnisVolcano 1350lvl (elitespot 1400lvl)
BloodyTarkan 1400lvl (elitespot 1450lvl)
TormentaIsland 1450lvl (elitespot 1500lvl)
TwistedKarutan 1500lvl (elitespot 1550lvl)

KardamahalUnderground 1550lvl

Every map higher Abyss Atlans DMG increased by 10%

[CHANGE] Every map higher Abyss Atlans PoisonResist increased by 100

[CHANGE] PvP-Heaven Undine changes:
Poison Resist increased by 150
HP increased by 50%
DMG increased by 50%

Old drop:
100x Jewel of Bless
25x Meta Emblem III
Manticore Anvil (Rare)
Necklace (Rare)
Ring (Rare)

New drop: This is pull of items with config of 20x drop. It means, that quantity of every type of reward is random. We mentioned maximum amount in the pull for every type of drop
50x Jewel of Bless
10x Meta Emblem (I-II-III)
50x Elemental Rune
Manticore Anvil (Rare) (Rate increased)
Necklace (Rare)
Ring (Rare)

[CHANGE] PvP-Heaven Hellraiser changes:
Poison Resist increased by 150
HP increased by 50%
DMG increased by 50%

Old drop:
100x Jewel of Soul
25x Meta Emblem III
Manticore Soul (Rare)
Necklace (Rare)
Ring (Rare)

New drop: This is pull of items with config of 20x drop. It means, that quantity of every type of reward is random. We mentioned maximum amount in the pull for every type of drop
50x Jewel of Soul
10x Meta Emblem (I-II-III)
50x Elemental Rune
Manticore Soul (Rare) (Rate increased)
Necklace (Rare)
Ring (Rare)

[CHANGE] ArkaWar
Damage Reduction SelfTeam increased from 50% to 70% (due new balance, we shall add decrease step by step)
Damage Reduction OppositeTeam increased from 25% to 40% (due new balance, we shall add decrease step by step)

[CHANGE] CastleSiege
Damage Reduction SelfTeam increased from 50% to 70% (due new balance, we shall add decrease step by step)
Damage Reduction OppositeTeam increased from 25% to 40% (due new balance, we shall add decrease step by step)

[CHANGE] Moss changes:
Renamed categories
Added weapons for Alchemist
Added Archangel weapon for Alchemist
Added Archangel weapon for GrowLancer

[CHANGE] Nix drop
Rate for Seed lvl 5 decreased

[CHANGE] Illusion Temple drop
Rate for Seed lvl 5 decreased

[CHANGE] DeepDungeonGorgon HP Increased

[CHANGE] BossBattleTogether:
"Nix" boss - allowed to attack with regular hits
HP changed to 75.000.000
DMG MAX increased
Poison resist increased

[CHANGE] Changed "Reflection Barrier Skills" which is responsible for Duration of Kundun buff.
New formula "Point/1" for duration

Before: Default(60sec) + ML(70sec)
New: Default(60sec) + ML(20sec)

[CHANGE] Changed GrowLancer Buff "Circle Shield":
Duration: 30sec
Rate: 40%(Default)+20%(ML) = 60%

Duration: 40sec
Rate: 20%(Default)+20%(ML) = 40%

[CHANGE] Changed "ConfusionStone" skill of Alchemist (Update took effect 27.01.2025)

MonsterRegenTime increased from 8s to 10s
Duration of skill increased from 60s to 300s

[CHANGE] Drop system on every boss/invasion changed from "Last Hit" to "Most Damage"

[CHANGE] Ferea boss:
Before: 23h-24h (random spawn)
New: 20h-24h (random spawn)

[CHANGE] Nix boss:
Before: 23h-24h (random spawn)
New: 18h-24h (random spawn)

[CHANGE] Selupan boss:
Before: 23h-24h (random spawn)
New: 20h-24h (random spawn)

[CHANGE] Darkness boss:

Before: 23h-24h (random spawn)
New: 18h-24h (random spawn)

[NEW] Added Random Boss spawn:
Deep Dungeon Gorgon
Core Magriffy
Lord Silvester
Condition: Every server, everyday, fully random (can be 0 times per day, can be several times per day). Despawn time 20min (if will not be killed), Spawn has announce

[ADD] Added "Sign of Lord" to every map to drop

[ADD] Added "Devilwood Quiver" to drop on Raklion

[FIX] Fixed bug with ChaosGoblin craft

[WEBSITE] Feature "Hidden"
Fixed bug with "Hidden" status on the website
Added feature "Hide location" as part of status "Hidden"
Added visual status "Hidden" to hidden accounts

[WEBSITE] Fixed bug for visual items for specific classes on the website

[PVP-CHANGE] Changes for Complex Potion:
Changed ms
Decreased recovery rate from 13 to 8

[PVP-CHANGE] Stuck rate upon receiving dmg in pvp changed to 6%

[PVP-CHANGE] Balance PVP changes:
SM dmg increased by 3%
SL dmg increased by 1%
GL def decreased by 2%
DL dmg decreased by 2%

Posted 31-01-2025

Patch 0.00.15

[NEW] Character Alchemist

[FIX] Fixed animation speed bugs for 5th Skills for SUM, SM, and KUNDUN.

[FIX] Fixed a bug with 4ML skill damage for AE, which caused excessive damage.

[FIX] Fixed range issue for Spirit Blast DL, increasing range from 6 to 8.

[CHANGE] Reworked drop from monsters on every map higher Acheron (added mastery items for every class)

[CHANGE] Changed monster spawn times for the 3rd quest (Icarus, Aida, Tarkan):
- Spawn time reduced from 150s to 15s.
- Monster count increased from 1 to 5.

[CHANGE] Adjusted prices for class quests (1-400 levels).

[CHANGE] Reduced HP for bosses in BossBattleTogether

Adjusted Spirit Stone mix requirements:
- Upgrade level reduced from +9 to +7.
- Additional option requirement reduced from +16 to +4 add.

[CHANGE] Increased drop rate for Ability Crystal on spots

[CHANGE] PartyMove (teleport) disabled in Valley of Loren

"M" teleports changes:
- Loren Deep removed
- ValleyOfLoren added
- Kardamahal added

[CHANGE] Adjusted Complex Potion mechanics:
- Cooldown time reduced from 400ms to 200ms.
- SD restoration increased from 10% to 13%.
- HP restoration increased from 10% to 30%.

[CHANGE] Changes to SD Ratio/SD Reduction:
Damage will now transfer more to HP, ensuring the knock-out effect works on all characters, even with active SD.

[CHANGE] Reduced Knock-out rate from 25% to 8%.

[CHANGE] Increased HP/LVL growth for every class.

Posted 23-01-2025

Patch 0.00.14

[CHANGE] Increased drop rate for ancient items with luck in Chaos Castle, applicable for Ancient Hero Soul.

[CHANGE] Increased drop rate for ancient items with luck in Balrog Invasion, applicable for Ancient Hero Soul.

[CHANGE] Death King event changes:
Resources will now drop separately
Bless of Light (Greater) drop changed from x3 to x1-3 

[CHANGE] Ruud Cows event changes:
Increased jewel drop from x1-2 to x1-3.
Decreased drop rate for x1 jewel.
Increased drop rate for x2 jewels.

[CHANGE] HP of Pig reduced by 10 times.

[CHANGE] Thompson Kenel NPC removed from Devias2.

[CHANGE] Zen drop increased by 20% on VIP servers.

[CHANGE] Configurations for most invasions/bosses changed to reward the last hit.

[CHANGE] Offline leveling changes:
Item pickup allowed based on in-game settings. (Jewels, Meta Emblems, Ability Crystals, Uriel Feathers are excluded).
Character no longer disconnects after death in offline leveling mode.
Self-buff interval increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.

[CHANGE] Auto-helper now allowed in safe zones in Acheron (Arka, Acheron Guardian).

[CHANGE] Castle Siege changes:
Durability loss disabled during Castle Siege.
GL, RF, and GC classes are now allowed to use Stun, Cancel Stun, Invisibility, and Cancel Invisibility (only if they have the proper guild rank).

[CHANGE] Formula for Durability Reduction (3) updated due to incorrect calculation affecting items like Satan and Guardian Angel.

[CHANGE] Changes to Silver Key:
Allowed to sell in Personal Store.
Allowed to store in Warehouse.
Allowed to trade.

[CHANGE] Changes to Golden Key:
Allowed to sell in Personal Store.
Allowed to store in Warehouse.
Allowed to trade.

[CHANGE] Changes to Blood Castle Ticket:
Can now be bundled up to 10 in 1 pack.

[CHANGE] Changes to Devil Square Ticket:
Can now be bundled up to 10 in 1 pack.

[CHANGE] Changes to Boss Battle Ticket:
Allowed to sell in Personal Store.
Allowed to store in Warehouse.
Allowed to trade.

[CHANGE] Changes to Varka Ticket:
Allowed to sell in Personal Store.
Allowed to store in Warehouse.
Allowed to trade.

[CHANGE] Reward for Last Man Standing changed from Silver Key to Silver Box.

[CHANGE] Changes to Silver Box drops:
Jewel drop amount increased from 3-15 to 6-15.
Overall jewel drop rate decreased.
Increased drop rate for Greater Spirit Stone (3x-4x).
Decreased drop rate for Greater Spirit Stone (1x-2x).
Drop rate for Condor Flame decreased.
Drop rate for Condor Feather increased by 3 times.

[FIX] White Wizard event bug fixed. Monsters will now spawn near the White Wizard.

[FIX] Fixed a bug with Senior Mix.

[ADD] Estonian flag added.

[ADD] Second Gatekeeper added to Valley of Loren at coordinates (160, 58)

[ADD] Arka War minimap added:
For Alkmar:
Alkmar Entrance
Acheron Village Entrance
Switch 1
Switch 2
Switch 3

For Ubaid:
Ubaid Entrance
Acheron Village Entrance
Switch 1
Switch 2
Switch 3

For Debenter:
Debenter Entrance
Acheron Village Entrance
Switch 1
Switch 2
Switch 3

[WEBSITE] Information about Senior Box added to the website.

[WEBSITE] Guild information added to Top Players Rankings on the website.

[WEBSITE] Fixed a bug with Throne Conquest owner-guild updates on the website.

[WEBSITE] Fixed a bug with Throne Conquest PvP rankings updates on the website.

Posted 10-01-2025

Patch 0.00.13

[ADD] Added visual of entries quantity for BC/DS Tickets

[ADD] Added "Boss Battle Ticket" to drop on maps higher 400lvl

[ADD] Added "Varka Ticket" to drop on maps higher 400lvl

[ADD] Added possibility to add Muun Converter to MUUN Inventory - throw on floor and pick up

[ADD] Added Horn of Uniria to shop in Lorencia bar

[CHANGE] Attack of Summon:
- Golden Tantalose - added Jewel of Guardian to drop
- Golden Erohim - added Jewel of Guardian to drop. Quantity of jewels changed from 1-3x to 2-3x
- Golden Hell Maine - added Jewel of Guardian to drop. Quantity of jewels changed from 1-4x to 2-4x. Rate for 2x was decreased, rate for 3x was increased.

[CHANGE] LastManStanding:
- From monsters removed drop "Meta Emblem"
- From monsters increased drop of [Bound] Ability Crystal from 3x to 5x
- Added final reward "Silver Key" and "100 Goblin Points"
- Changed DMG Reduct from 30% to 0% during event

[CHANGE] PvP-Heaven Bosses:
- HP increased by 15%
- DMG min increased by 10%
- DMG max increased by 20%

[CHANGE] Illusion Temple moved from 15:00 to 21:00

[CHANGE] Disabled durabillity loss for regular items on VIP-servers

[CHANGE] Talisman of Luck' quantity in pack decreased from 50x to 10x to prevent visual bug in Chaos Goblin

[CHANGE] Arka's NPC-Bots were removed

[CHANGE] Quantity of rewards for Devil Square were increased to make everyone to have possible to get reward

[FIX] Bug with 1x Jewel drop from Interim Chest in Doppelganger was fixed

[FIX] Fixed bug with visual rank of ThroneConquest and CastleSiege for GM of owner guild

[FIX] Fixed bug with duration of EE buff (Attack and Defence increase)

[WEBSITE] PvP Rankings for Arka was fixed

[WEBSITE] Duration of being authorized was increased 3x

Posted 03-01-2025

Patch 0.00.12

[CHANGE] New regentime for Spots:
- Ferea 8s
- Nixies Lake 8s
- Old Kethotum 8s
- Deep Dungeon 8s
- Swamp of Darkness 8s
- Kubera 8s
- Abyss Atlans 8s
- Scorched Canyon 8s
- Red Smoke Icarus 8s
- Arenil Temple 8s
- Gray Aida 8s
- Blaze Kethotum 8s
- Kanturu Underground 8s
- Ignis Volcano 8s
- Bloody Tarkan 8s
- Tormenta Island 8s

[CHANGE] Exp changed for Spots:
- Old Kethotum exp increased by 9%
- Nixies Lake exp decreased by 10%
- DeepDungeon (1-5) exp increased 5-30% (With logic higher lvl of map = higher exp)

[CHANGE] Stats changed for Spots:
- Nix's "Bass" DMG increased, HP increased
- Nix's "Vasuki" HP increased
- Nix's "Paraca" HP decreased

[CHANGE] Spots in Dungeon3 changed:
- Added 2 spots with "Dark Knight"
- Added 1 spot with "Thunder Lich"
- Removed 3 spots with "Poison Bull Fighter"

[CHANGE] Illusion Temple schedule changed from 4 times per day to new 1time per day 15:00

[CHANGE] Last Man Standing schedule changed from 19:05 to new 19:10

[CHANGE] Stats changed for Bosses:
- Deep Dungeon Gorgon:
DMG increased 2x
HP increased 5x
- Lord Silvester:
DMG increased by 30%
HP increased by 50%
- Core Magriffy:
DMG increased by 10%
HP increased by 30%
- Lord Ferea:
DMG increased by 15% HP
Decreased by 20%
- Selupan:
DMG increased by 30%
HP Increased by 50%
- Undine:
DMG bug fixed
HP increased by 50%
- Hellraiser:
DMG bug fixed
HP increased by 50%
- Medusa:
DMG increased 3x
HP bug fixed 

[FIX] Season Pass bug fixed

[FIX] Journey System bug fixed

[WEBSITE] Added PvP Rankings:
- CastleSiege Rankings (resets weekly, history 1month)
- Arka Rankings (resets weekly, history 1month)
- Throne Rankings (resets weekly, history 1month)
- LastManStanding Rankings (resets daily, history 1week)
- PvP-Heaven Rankings (resets daily, history 1week)

[WEBSITE] Added Server Info and Guides to header

[WEBSITE] Fixed Discord login bug

[WEBSITE] Fixed visual of website in mobile version

 Added error info about incorrect login/password

Posted 24-12-2024