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New Year Events!

🎅Hunt for Cursed Santa
Mighty Cursed Santas have appeared on the Vulcanus map. Elves told me that they saw Cursed Santa 4x times yesterday and asked to fight them to claim valuable and rare rewards. But can you find them? After all, Santa only comes when no one is watching!

Cursed Santa has the following drop pool:
Blue Ribbon Box (x1-3)
Pizza (x1)
Green Ribbon Box (x1)
Sealed Silver Box (x1)
Ancient Hero Soul (x1)

🎁Unique Ribbon Boxes in Every Location
Monsters in all locations have a chance to drop Blue Ribbon Boxes containing amazing rewards!

Blue Ribbon Box drop pool:
Bless of Light (Low) (x1)
Random Jewels (x1)
Zen (2,000,000)
GP 50
Elena Letter (x1)
Devil Square Ticket (x10)
Blood Castle Ticket (x10)
Green Ribbon Box (x1)
Green Ribbon Box drop pool:
Bless of Light (Middle) (x2)
Random Jewels (x3)
Zen (10,000,000)
GP 200
Ruud Box (Minor)
Scroll of Gray Oblivion
Scroll of Black Oblivion
Red Ribbon Box (x1)
Red Ribbon Box drop pool:
Bless of Light (Greater) (x3)
Talisman of Chaos Assembly (x2)
Mysterious Stone (x2)
GP 2000
Ruud Box (Greater)
Pizza (x3)
Ancient Hero Soul
Ghost Horse (random opt)

⚔️Exclusive Rewards in Last Man Standing During the event,
Last Man Standing will give new rewards! Monsters with unique drop pools will spawn during the event to give you some treasure:

Drop pool:
Random Jewels (x5)
(Bound) Ability Crystal (x3)
Meta Emblem I-II-III
Mysterious Stone
Blue Ribbon Box

Start time of events: 24.12.2024
End time of events: 02.01.2025

Posted 27-12-2024