3st professions

3st professions
3st professions

This quest is available for all classes, need to have completed 2nd class change and Marlon quest.

The quest

Requirements for the quest

  • Level 380

  • 5kk zen

If you fill the requirements and you are ready to do the quest, you will need to speak to NPC Apostle Devin в Crywolf (coordinates 228,48). He will give you the first task.

To complete the first task, you will need to find 3 items.

Flame of Death Beam Knight

Horn of Hell Maine

Feather of Phoenix

  • Flame of Death Beam Knight - drops in Tarkan from the monster Death Beam Knight. 

  • Horn of Hell Maine - drops in Aida from the monster Hell Maine. 

  • Feather of Phoenix - drops in Icarus from the monster Phoenix of Darkness. 

  • These items may take some time to drop, so be ready to farm for some time. After you have found these items, take them back to the NPC. 

Now you can continue with the second part of the quest. To complete it you will need to pay 7kk Zen and to have level 400.
Your task will be to kill 20 of 3 types of monsters that are found in the location Barracks. You can access this locations via the NPC Werewolf Quarrel, which is located in Crywolf, coordinates 58,237. 

Balram (Trainee) x20

Death Spirit (Trainee) x20

Soram (Trainee) x20

Now it's time for the 3rd part of the quest. Pay 10kk zen to the NPC and it will give you the task - to kill Dark Elf Hero. 

Dark Elf is located in the location Refuge. You can access Refuge via the NPC Gate Keeper which is located in Barracks, coordinates 121,168. The locations is small and if you don't see the Dark Elf, you have to wait for it to re spawn. There can only be 1 Dark Elf in the map at the same time. 

Dark Elf Hero

After killing the monster, talk to the NPC again and it will bless you in your future endeavors and award you with the 3rd class. 

The 3rd class unlocks these abilities: 

  • To equip level 3 wings. 

  • To learn the Master skill tree. 

  • To obtain Mastery rewards from events. 

  • To learn new and better skills and to equip better gear. 

  • Access to 4th class change. 


  • To obtain the master skill points, you need to hunting on the monster from Karutan or higher.

  • For adding points to the your master skill tree skills, you must be a 400 level.

Posted on: 2024-12-20 13:53:39