Commands and hotkeys

Commands and hotkeys
Commands and hotkeys

Commands for communication:
/post - Posts global message (Public)
@ - Send Guild message
@@ - Send a message to the alliance
@> - Guild Notice (Guild Master function)
Send a Party message
- Your message will be displayed for 35 seconds

Event interface:

Commands for points:
 - Adds strength points (example. /addstr 123)
/addagi - Adds agility points (example. /addagi 123)
/addvit - Adds vitality points (example. /addvit 123)
/addene - Adds energy points (example. /addene 123)
/addcmd - Adds command points (example. /addcmd 123)

3D Camera:
 - camera on/off
f7 - return to the default settings
f8 - hide ui
hold shift + mouse wheel - turning the wheel: zoom in/out
hold shift + right button - hold the mouse right button: rotate the camera
after you set the camera as you like, press f6 one more time, to save your settings.

Others commands:
/ware 1-5 - additional warehouse page
/trade - Initiate Trade
/offtrade - creating offline store
/dcfriend   / example: dcfriend Lermster 1qwerty1 - DC character from game
Commands for Party:
/party - Create a Party; invite people to the current party
/requests Toggles requests for deals, parties and trade on and off
Commands for PVP:
 /duel -  Challenges other players to a duel
/battlesoccer -  Challenges opposing guild to Battle Soccer
/guildwar -  Declare a guild duel
/pkclear - clear murder status.
Emotion commands:
/Hi /Hello /Welcome - Bow (greeting)
/; /Sorry - Head scratch
/^^ /Haha - Laugh
/-_- /Huh Cross arms
/Great - Raises both arms
/Bye - Wave
/Cold - Rubs arms
/Come - Hand gesture
/Cry - Crying
/Never /Not - “No” gesture
/Good/Nice/Wow - Clap
/Respect - Kneel
/Sir - Salute
/Victory/Win - Victory pose / kisses
/Sleep/Tired - Yawning
/Dance - Dance
/Hustle - Hustle
/Rush - Lead your hand forward

/2 /tpost Selling 2kkk zen
/3 /Sorry
then to use  alt+1  or which other number

Anti-lag system which was developed for purpose of reducing special effects and other resource-heavy features while playing events where performance matters.

[shift + 1]: hide wings
[shift + 2]: reduce skill effect 
[shift + 3]: reduce item effect 
[shift + 4]: hide ground zen 
[shift + 5]: hide ground item
[shift + 6]: hide muun pet 
[shift + 7]: hide chars and shadows 
[shift + 8]: hide skill effect
[shift + 9]: reduce item shine to +0

Difference between default settings and settings with the anti-lag plugin


PC Mouse Left Click.png (on empty ground)Move to that location
PC Mouse Left Click.png (on NPC)Speak to NPC
PC Mouse Left Click.png (on monster)Start attacking monster using weapon/fists
PC Mouse Left Click.png (on item)Move to the item and attempt to take it
PC Mouse Right Click.png (on monster)Attack the monster using skill/magic from the magic list (some spells and skills may work when mouse is over the ground)
PC Mouse Right Click.png (on another player; After selecting an option from the command menu)Apply command on that person (Person's name must appear in white)
Alt+PC Mouse Right Click.png (on another player's name)Open mini command window
Q/W/E/RDrink Potion/Eat Apple (regain health, mana, SD, Poison potions/apples required)
TOpen Quest information window
I/VOpen Inventory
KOpen Gremory inventory
SWhile Character Inventory is open, opens Personal Store
POpen List of Private Stores
DOpen Command menu
FOpen Friends window
BOpen Gens window
GOpen Guild information window
COpen Character information window
UOpen Skill menu
MOpen Warp/Move window
NOpen Party & Guild matching window
OOpen Options window
AOpen Master tree window
CTRL+AOpen Enhance Skill Tree window
ZOpen Official Mu Helper window
XOpen xShop window
YOpen MUUN window
EnterOpen chat box
Enter (while chat box opened)Close chat box/send message or command
Tab (while chat box opened)Switch between chat box and whisper box
 ↑  and  ↓  (while whisper box is active)Swtich between whisper nicknames written (up to 5)
AltShow item names
Alt+PC Mouse Left Click.pngTake items from ground/Talk to NPC (bypass monsters and other players)
Alt+(0-9)Use macro (define macro by "/(0-9) MACRO" in chat window
Ctrl+(0-9) (while mouse over skill in skill list)Set a number to skill
0-9Switch to skill defined by Ctrl+(0-9)
Ctrl+PC Mouse Left Click.pngAttack other players
Ctrl+PC Mouse Right Click.pngAttack other players with the active skill/magic in the skill list.
ShiftCharacter lockup
Shift+PC Mouse Right Click.png (after enable 3D Camera)Zoom in 3D Camera
Shift+PC Mouse Right Click.png (after enable 3D Camera)Zoom out 3D Camera
Shift+ While holdingPC Mouse Right Click.png move the cursor (after enable 3D Camera)Rotate 3D Camera
HomeStart Mu Official Helper
EndOpen Hunting log
Tab (while chat box closed)Toggle Mini map
[ (while Mini map opened)Increase opacity
] (while Mini map opened)Decrease opacity
+ (while Mini map opened)Increase opacity
- (while Mini map opened)Decrease opacity
EscOpen main menu
F1Open Help
F2Open Block Chat
F3Toggle whispering on chat mode (while write mode)
F4Adjust chatting window size
F5Toggle chatting window when receiving incoming message
F6Toggle 3D Camera
F7Zooms in camera
F8Toggles UI
F9Toggles [Gens] chat display
F10Minimize all open clients to taskbar
F11Restore all minimized clients
F12Minimize all open clients to tray

Posted on: 2024-12-20 14:07:48